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Results 2221 - 2235 of 3073
Deluxe 3B Scientific® Pregnancy Series - 9 Models - 3B...
Cat.n.: AM110-0302
• Embryo approx. 4 weeks old, 25 times life-size
• 1st...
25 010,70 CZK
Fetus, month 7
Cat.n.: AM110-0301
The model shows a fetus in the seventh month in the uterus. All...
4 767,40 CZK
5th Month Twin Fetuses - Normal Position - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0300
This realistic model shows twin human fetuses in the 5th month of...
4 767,40 CZK
Fetus, month 5, breech position
Cat.n.: AM110-0299
The model shows a fetus in the fifth month in the dorsal position in...
3 847,80 CZK
Fetus, month 5, breech position - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0298
The model shows a fetus in the fifth month in the breech position in...
3 642,10 CZK
Fetus, month 4, abdominal position - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0297
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
3 944,60 CZK
Fetus model, 3 month - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0296
The model shows a fetus at the development stage of the third month...
3 085,50 CZK
Embryo model, 2 month - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0295
The model shows an embryo at the stage of the second month of...
2 928,20 CZK
Embryo model, 1 month - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0294
The embryo model shows an embryo at the stage of the first month of...
2 928,20 CZK
Pregnancy series, 8part - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0293
Our most popular series includes 8 models to show the complete stages...
24 103,20 CZK
Prostate model, 1/2 life size - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0292
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
2 286,90 CZK
Dual Sex Urinary System, 6 part - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0290
To unlock these benefits, simply scan the label and register your 3B...
14 483,70 CZK
Kidney Stone Model - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0289
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models:
Free warranty...
2 335,30 CZK
Hemorrhoid Model - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0288
A vivid hemorrhoid model designed to educate patients and students...
1 851,30 CZK
Gallstone Model - 3B Smart Anatomy
Cat.n.: AM110-0287
Your advantages with all 3B Smart Anatomy models:
Free warranty...
1 960,20 CZK